Travel with RHSC!
Have wanderlust in your blood or just ready to get out of the house and take a day trip? We offer a variety of trips to fun locations, both near and far. Our trips have limited seating, so be sure to sign up fast!
​​​​Savannah, GA: September 30 - October 3
$630 per person/ Double Rate/ This trip is full / Call to be added to the waitlist.
NC State Fair - Raleigh, NC: Thursday, October 24 / $50 per person
Take the Amtrak train to the NC fair! The fair showcases the state's agriculture, arts, crafts and culture through displays, events and shows. Spend the day enjoying classic fair foods, games, rides and more! Must meet at Salisbury Amtrak station no later than 7 am. We will be back at the Salisbury station by 6 pm. Registration opens Friday, September 27 for Rowan County residents and Friday, October 4 for out of county.​
​Millstone Creek Orchard: Wednesday, November 6 / $40 per person
This trip screams fall! Enjoy an apple and bakery tasting, orchard hayride, apple cider pressing demonstration, samples, orchard education and more! Registration opens Monday, September 30 for Rowan County residents and Friday, October 4 for out of county.
Southern Christmas Show - Charlotte: Tuesday, November 19 / $42 per person
The Southern Christmas Show is the largest Christmas Show in North America. Shop for holiday gifts such as apparel, seasonal decor, jewelry, housewares & home decor, toys, gourmet foods and more. Plus, support artisans, taste delicious wines and enjoy holiday decor that will inspire you. Registration opens Monday, Septmber 30 for Rowan County residents and Friday, October 4 for out of county.
​January 2025
Tropical Costa Rica!: January 4 - 12, 2025 / This trip is full. Cal to be added to the waitlist.
MAY 2025
Pigeon Forge, TN: May 13 - 15, 2025 / $662 per person, double rate
Spend 3 days, 2 nights in the Great Smoky Mountains! Enjoy the Array Variety Show, Titanic Museum, shopping at the Island and a day at Dollywood. Dollywood offers high-energy entertainment & shows, award-winning dining and the friendliest theme park atomospher in the world! $200 deposit required to register. Registration opens Monday, October 7 for Rowan County residents and Monday, October 21 for out of county.