AARP – Salisbury-Rowan Chapter #4314
1st thursday of month 1 pm
Chapter meetings have been paused until September.
Chapter meetings provide a forum for members to discuss local state and national issues to achieve common goals.
Ambassadors Club
2nd tuesday each month @ 12 pm
The Ambassadors Club serves as a “booster club” for Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, providing opportunities for individuals to support the Center through volunteer service:
Be "in the know" of all events
Learn details of how the center operates
Educate others & be an advocate for the Center
Support its objectives
Provide input & assistance
Use your special talents
Grow in volunteer leadership
Enjoy good fellowship
Parkinson's support group
1st tuesday each month @ 12:30-2 pm
Learn strategies to live our best life with Parkinson's. Created for people with Parkinson's and their caregivers.
Wednesdays & fridays 1-5 PM
Come play Bridge and enjoy fellowship! Cost $5
Creative Needles Group
wednesdays @ 9:30 am
Join us to:
Trade ideas
Create beautiful needlework
1st wednesday of Month @ 12 pm
See Newsletter or call 704-216-7714 for latest books to read. Meets at the Center.
bid whist
thursdays 12:30-4:30 pm
Enjoy an afternoon of meeting new friends and fun competition, playing Bid Whist!
Must sign a waiver before 1st hike. Meet at RHSC that morning before heading to location. This is a fun group!